APRIL 8, 7:00 PM
Former Senator Patrick Colbeck states that he believes the 2020 Presidential election will be overturned. Calls it a coup!
Learn About Your Constitution
MAY 13, 6:00 PM
Eaton County Republican Women's Alliance
June 10, 6:00 PM
Eaton County Republican Women's Alliance @ Tony M's
June 11-13
Mid-Michigan Gospel Fest, Eaton County Fairgrounds
July 8, 6:00 PM
Eaton County Republican Women's Alliance @ Tony M's
August, tentative
Political Leadership Academy
A century ago, John Dewey, the former Superintendent of Michigan Public Schools (and inventor of the Dewey Decimal System), said that the purpose of public education was “no longer to teach reading, writing, and arithmetic, but rather, to bring about social reform.” His neo-marxist, progressive ideology is flourishing in our schools today, where we teach critical race theory, secular humanism, gender diversity, and common core, but neglect the teaching of literacy, the Constitution, mathematics, and life skills. It is time for parents and communities to take up the god-given mantel of educating the next generation in TRUTH. Please join acclaimed author and recently retired teacher Ilona Rugg this Thursday evening at 6:30pm at Tony M’s to learn the truth about what is happening in our public schools and what you can do about it. Can’t join us? Review these notes from Ms. Rugg here.